Sunday, December 28, 2008

back in North Carolina.....

Merry Christmas to all. Hope you had a great holiday with family and/or friends.

Since my last post almost 2 weeks ago after the cars were put on the truck, quite a bit has occurred. All of our stuff was packed and put on the truck last Monday (12/22) and Tuesday (12/23). We were able to close on the NC house early on Tuesday 12/23, with our real estate agent, Debbie, handling the paperwork for us (except for the mortgage, she wants us to pay that. ;-) ). Morgan, Cassie, myself and the 2 cats flew back Christmas Eve morning in an uneventful fashion. (The "relaxing" pills I had actually made me sleepy this time, so I had a good flight. Even when I was awake, I did not feel the anxiety I normally do, so maybe I won't be as bad as I was before when I do need to get on a plane.)

When we arrived in Raleigh on Christmas Eve night, we got out of the airport quickly enough so that after dropping the cats and our luggage off at the hotel, we were able to have dinner at one of our favorite local Italian places, Cinelli's.

Then Christmas morning, after some gifts for Cassie and breakfast, we went over to the new house. The house is great. Morgan really did an excellent job with it. It is much smaller then we are used to in prior homes, but it feels "right". I think we wandered around it for about 3 hours or so, just looking at all the different detail the builder put into it.

Christmas Day afternoon, we were able to spend some time with Casey and his family. I did not bring a tape measure, so he let me borrow one, and also gave us the chance to visit. Casey and his wife also gave us an air mattress (pretty comfortable, thanks) to borrow so we could sleep in the house. It was good to see him and all his family, including his daughter, Gillian, who was born while we were in San Diego.

Also got to speak with Kellie on Christmas night. We hope to see her family sometime during the week.

Then Friday and Saturday it has been shopping for needed items and internet and DirecTV installations. Also on Saturday, our personal cars arrived. So we are getting there, slowly, but surely.

The moving truck driver said they may show up Monday with the truck, but I am expecting it Tuesday. Monday seems too fast, because he told me he was spending Christmas Day in San Diego before heading straight to us. I won't complain if it is Monday, but we will see.

Ok, done for now. If I don't post prior to Thursday, have a Happy and Safe New Year.

Until the next time.....

Thank You CRB.....

Here is my thank you note that I gave to the pastors over at The Church at Rancho Bernardo. I will keep it up as the second post in line until the end of the year. It might be a little long for one sitting. :-)

Thank you!!!

Dear CRB,

I wanted to give you and all the people at CRB a giant thank you for what you have done this past year for me, Morgan, and our daughter Cassie. Unfortunately, I say this thank you as we also say good bye. We will be moving from San Diego, and returning back to North Carolina, sometime around the Christmas / New Year holidays.

I want to apologize now for the length of this letter, as I know once I start talking about how my (our) life has changed since we walked through this doors last December, and the journey it took to get here, it is hard for me to stop and keep it short.

I grew up Catholic, and was a weekly church attendee, but did not really grasp anything from it. I tried while I attended St. John’s University, but still nothing.

Fast forward to 2003. During the year, I was treated for three stress related ailments, including a trip to the hospital for chest pain. Luckily, not a heart attack, just anxiety and stress. I was a workaholic, not paying enough attention to my loving wife, and always seemed to be upset with my child.

Part to improve her job, and part to save me from myself, Morgan took a job, in March 2004, here in San Diego that forced me to sell my practice, move and be a “kept man”. Sounds like paradise, and it should have been. But less then three months after getting here I was crashing, and in a downwards spiral. Nothing was right. I was unhappy and I was completely miserable. I returned to North Carolina without Morgan, as she was not able to leave her job at the time.

As soon as Cassie and I returned to North Carolina, I got the feeling that I needed to get myself out of this hole, and decided to return to church. We attended a small Southern Baptist church in the neighborhood, and it did help me start to get things back together. Ten months later, in July 2005, Morgan was able to get her employer to agree to let her move back to NC, and still keep her job.

Sounds great, and that should be the end of the story. Well, it wasn’t. Our family life improved, and I was becoming a better person, husband and father, but I was still far away from Jesus. Though I attended church, I was lost there. I did not feel I was worthy of a relationship with Jesus. I did not know how to ask about it, and I was not getting any guidance. Each week the Pastor spoke, I kept on feeling that there was no way I could get there. I was not like the people in the church sitting around me.

Then in only the way God can make it happen, things started to change. When Cassie started second grade in September 2005 at the Christian school she had previously attended before our move, we were introduced to a great teacher, and a now a great friend, Kellie. Kellie and her husband, Steve, are Christians of deep faith, and although we were “not like them” in terms of our faith at the time, Kellie kind of took me under her wing in helping me about starting a relationship with Jesus, and also became very friendly with Morgan, as Morgan helped in the classroom, they spoke about scrapbooking and other things. We got along so well, and felt so close to them, they are now Cassie’s Godparents.

Kellie would give me different lines of scripture for when I had stress or other self induced problems come up. Those were the start of a head shaking journey.

Everything was going very well for us in NC, but at the start of 2007 there was something telling me that we needed to return to San Diego. I mentioned it to Morgan, and remembering the terrible time I had here, and the bumbling, loony idiot that I was the first time, I think she figured I was ready to crack up again.

All this time, I was still attending the little Baptist church, and Kellie was still giving me scripture, but I did not have a relationship with Jesus. I was barely scratching the surface.

Well, after tax season, I brought back up the move to San Diego, and again Morgan dismissed it, but this time we actually discussed it a bit, but came to the conclusion that we did not need to try it again. Well, God has something in mind, he does not give up, and after a late July week of travel (Morgan was commuting back and forth to San Diego 8 times a year) which was not pleasant, I brought up the move to San Diego thing again. This time Morgan said yes, but we would not leave until our house in NC sold. The house was sold within three weeks, and then three weeks later, we were in San Diego.

When we told Kellie about us moving, although she was upset to see us leave, she kept telling me that she could “feel” that we needed to go, and something great was going to happen. She said there was a purpose for it.

We moved, and all was good, or at least I thought so. Then in November, only 2 months after being here, I was back on the downward spiral that occurred back in 2005, and was depressed again. I tried by reading The Bible, and at the same time I was trying different area churches, but something was missing. Even after Morgan and I thought we found what we thought was the “right” church, and started attending together, I was not satisfied. It all came to a head in late November, when I told Morgan I could not stay out here and wanted to get out of here. How she did not beat me there on the spot, and bury me in the backyard is a miracle. Instead we talked, and while talking I mentioned that a mom from Cassie’s swim team told me about another church, close to the house, that we could try. That church was CRB.

I will say from the first day we stepped into this church that first week of December, all three us have had our lives change. It started the first evening we heard the music and Harry speak. Morgan and I left and could not stop talking about how “different” this church seemed. In the coming weeks, we heard from Ken and Jeanette, and each time we talked to each other about the message, and how it seemed to apply to us. Then we showed up for Christmas Eve and were blown away by the talent and “feeling” the church was giving us. The next week was Ken’s “silent message”, and again Morgan and I spoke about what was being done here in the church.

I was reading my Bible more, and Jesus was calling me, but I just was not ready to take the step. That changed after a Saturday night service. That was the service where Jeanette spoke about God’s healing, and after the service asked those of us in pain to come up front for healing. I had terrible neck and shoulder pain for the past year that became more extreme during tax season. At the same time, my step-father was diagnosed with throat cancer, so I told Morgan that I did not deserve healing when others were in worst shape. She basically pushed me out of the seat towards Jeanette (now you know why I cherish Morgan so much). Well, I told Jeanette my story about the pain, and she put her hands on me, and we prayed. Sunday morning I felt better, and on Monday morning I no longer had any pain. That is when I finally said, “Ok, you got me”. At that point I knew what was being told to me and done for me, and I gave myself to Jesus, and let him into my heart.

From there we formally joined the church, and would never look back.

Morgan and I talk about the message of the service almost every week, and can use or see it in our lives each time. That goes for Harry, Jeanette, or any of the wonderful guest speakers that we had during the year. All have left an impression on me.

During this year, we have met many great people, and participated in many different church events. Back in March, we were blessed to meet up with Alisa and Tony DiLorenzo in a parenting class with was lead by Pastor Faye. Now we are part of their small group, and have really enjoyed them and the others in the group. Both Morgan and I have taken Dennis’ New Believer’s Guide to the Bible, and have absolutely enjoyed it. Morgan had joined up with the Motorheads, while I have become part of the Eternal Riders. And let me just say that this is a great group, and is lead by two great people in Randy and Linda Howell.

But, the biggest day during this past year was on Sunday, August 17th. Two weeks prior to our 17th wedding anniversary, Morgan and I were Baptized together, along with many others from CRB, in the Pacific Ocean. That was an amazing day, and being able to be next to Morgan, and have it done together, just made it even more special.

CRB has also taught me that being a Christian does not mean you will be perfect all the time, or that you might not come with some prior baggage. I have been shown and taught here that Jesus will love me, and others will help me in my journey, even with some “bumps in the road” getting here, and further along later on the ride. Not all will be smooth, but as long as you get back on the path when you do hit some bumps, all will be good.

Now it is time to say goodbye and thank you. Kellie was correct. There was a reason for our return to San Diego, and it was a wonderful reason. We are going to miss all of you tremendously, but we also know that the church and all of you will be with us forever. What you have done for me, and my family will never be forgotten.

Thank you.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

bye, bye cars.....

I guess we can say that the moving officially started today. All of our cars were put on trucks/carriers and are on their way cross country to meet up with us in NC.

It started at 8am this morning when the gentleman came to take the Viper. I hate driving that thing, but with Morgan working, I had to take it up around the block to the carrier. It was a pretty large enclosed carrier, and the driver, Rich, was a nice guy. He has so many stops to make, he won't be delivering it back to us until about the 29th of the month.

Then in the early afternoon the other truck came to take the Pathfinder and Sportrac. Once we emptied them out our our important stuff, and put back in stuff we wanted in them (I put all my motorcycle extras in mine, while Morgan snuck in her cooking liquors that movers will not take), that was it. The driver, Al, started loading them up, and our part was done.

He will actually get across early, and wanted to know if he could drop them off on the 23rd. I told him "yes", but nobody would be there to pay him, so he will wait until Friday the 26th instead. Good idea. :-)

Unless some sort of "surprise" happens (which would only be of the bad variety), they are going to close on the house next week on Tuesday, December 23rd. Now I will see if I can move up some of the installations. Hopefully one or two can be moved. I also see a very large BJ's Warehouse trip that first weekend.

Otherwise, things are winding down pretty normally. Need to get a little "January work" done for a few clients now so that it is sitting in my computer, and ready to "spit out", once I start working again on January 5th.

The following Christmas poem was emailed to me by Barney (who's mom, Barbara sent it to him), who along with his wife, Jamie, has been part of Morgan's and my small group at church. Barney also took the New Believers Guide to the Bible class with me. (Both he and I looked for an author or reference, but did not find anyone to give the proper credit to for writing this.)

It started with Mary, so humble and mild, With the heart of a woman and the faith of a child.
She rose above anything she might have feared To answer "Amen" when the angel appeared.
And on that first Christmas, in spite of that cold, A sweet newborn baby was all hers to hold.
Strangers and shepherds, ignoring their sheep, Watched while she rocked little Jesus to sleep.
What joys we can known, what a miracle starts, When we, too, can say yes to God in our hearts!

Until the next time.....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

starting to say goodbye.....

The days keep rolling along, and about 3 weeks from now we will be settled and almost unpacked in our new home back in NC. The house is now finished, and our friend / real estate agent, Debbie, will be inspecting it on Monday, along with a house inspector. If there are no major issues, it is possible they may move up the closing to Christmas Eve, with Debbie handling things at the attorney's office, while Morgan and I just sign and FedEx any paperwork prior to then. If possible, that would be great, because we could hit Fred's Beds (for Cassie's new bed), BJs, Best Buy, and other places and start filling house while we have free time until the movers arrive.

Tonight is also our last regular service at CRB. Next week start the Christmas Eve musical services. We will be able to see Sunday morning Christmas Eve performance next week, but that will be it. With the movers in house all day Monday and Tuesday, we will probably not have the time to leave.

I'm quite a bit "bummed" about this being our last "live" service here for a while. It will be nice to get the DVDs and hear Harry speak, but it obliviously will not be the same. I already told him to expect email questions from me. :-)

Pastor Harry has asked Morgan, Cassie and I to meet them after services tonight, as they want to get together for a prayer for us. I thought that was very nice of them, but as I have said many times, these are very nice people. Last week when I went up to just say "hello" to Harry after the service, he had not even come down off the stage to greet me before he was telling me how sad he/they are to see us leave. It really made me feel good to hear that from him. We also talked about not being able to get a last motorcycle ride in together, as schedules have made it difficult to do.

I'll make sure I post more this week about what is going on as we get ready to leave. Cars start being hauled away early in the week, then it will be us packing personal stuff to travel with, packing zip locks to make the unpack easier (will explain later in the week), and then the packers and movers.

I am also going to post my thank you note that I had given to the pastors over at CRB. I am going to keep it below any current post until the end of the year. It was 3 pages long, so you may want to read it in pieces. :-)

Until the next time.....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

it's not the lie, but the coverup.....

Yes, I have been lazy in updating this blog. With tax season coming here in another four weeks or so, this will be a sparse space for updates until late April.

Two weeks from tonight we will back in NC. Two Weeks?!?! Pretty much ready, just tying up all those little loose ends that are annoying (well, at least annoying to me). I can think of it this way also, three weeks from today and will be all set up in the new house. Except for some unpacking. OK lots of unpacking.

Glad to see that someone is able to make a buck in this tough economy. Who knew putting a Senate seat up on Ebay wasn't legal? This story has so many layers, it is comical. At the top of the "funny" scale is the arrogance of the Illinois Governor. Blagojevich even called out the Feds the day before his arrest, saying he was "clean".

Then Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s name has shown up. Let's see if dad can get him out of this mess, or if dad ends of having a hand in this story. Jackson spoke about the Senate seat with Blagajevich on Monday, just hours before the Governor was taken by the Feds.

Those two, and the corrupt nature of Chicago and Illinois being told to another generation are the "funny" part. There is already one not funny part to me.

What the press will focus on is President-elect Obama's role in this situation. I am not saying Obama knew about the "pay for play", and I believe he had no knowledge of the "sale". But he quickly said on Tuesday that neither he or his staff had spoken to Blagajevich about the Senate seat. First, I find that virtually impossible to believe. You give up your seat because you are becoming POTUS, there is one man that decides who fills that seat, and you are saying that you or your staff never said "boo", about it?

Seems there are quotes from Obama Campaign Manager, David Axelrod, speaking to reporters a week or so ago stating otherwise. But yesterday, Axelrod says he spoke "out of turn", and he was incorrect in saying Obama staff had spoken with anyone from the Illinois Governor's staff. Every word comes out of "Obama people" mouths like reading from a script, and all of a sudden Axelrod made a comment in error, on a subject which all knew the answer to before the question was asked? It does not pass the "smell test".

What I want is honesty, and we are not getting it. Why tell the press nobody has spoken to Blagevich? (Senator Biden and Senator Clinton have spoken with their governors about who they would "like" to fill their seats. Does not mean it will happen, but you know they gave a recommendation.) Nobody accused you of looking for your "share". As stated above, it would be natural to make a recommendation.

Obama has no track record to fall back on, and all that "political capital" he won on November 4th will dry up faster then water in the Sahara if this administration is caught covering up something that needs no cover up. Those people that voted for him for "change" will turn against him in a heartbeat if "change" means having a scandal come up even before the Inauguration.

Please, just tell us the truth. We, as a country, can't afford to go into this with the "hope" that you are not lying to us.

USA Today article about homeowners missing mortgage payments on purpose so that they "could" become eligible for government assistance if it becomes available to them. Do pride and honor in oneself ever have a chance of making a comeback in our society?

My Hurricanes are stinking up the place. Not going to rant about them, just hope things get better once we get back to NC.

- Love the Prince of Persia series. Cassie loved PoP: Sands of Time. Need to pick up this newest version.
- Just picked up Left 4 Dead. I like shooting zombies.
- Any of these guys could & should win the Heisman.

Until the next time.....

Friday, December 5, 2008

spend or save (part 2).....

Just to follow up on yesterday's post, here is a much more well written article (then my babbling) on spending and the holiday season with relation to the economic times we are facing.

Until the next time.....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

spend or save.....

In the simplest terms, this economic "crisis" was caused because people spent more then what they could afford. Be that housing, "stuff" to go into the house, extra cars, and vacations. Credit was "cheap", car loans and credit card applications being approved by just signing your name to a piece of paper. Most never stopped to think that this bill would eventually have to be paid. Well, we all know the bill was finally presented, and what has happened since.

Somewhere I read a statistic that the average American spent 106% of their total income each year for the past 6 years. Now, that is average, so if you include someone like Morgan and myself (and I'm sure many of you reading) who actually save money each year, that number gets skewed much higher.

Since the "crash" of the market in September when people finally started to realize that this was a widespread problem, many Americans have actually cut back their spending and are actually saving a few dollars. Whether it be to actually save, or to pay off debt, people are not spending as much as they did before.

Hooray for savers, you say. Well, you would think so, but if you turn on the news, you keep seeing stories that because people are not spending, but that it is actually bad for the economy. Huh? If we spend, we get the mess we are currently in, and if we save, we make it worse?

For me, this is mostly "media hype" because we are in the Christmas season. People need to save, and should save. For as much as many went overboard in spending, they might go the opposite in their savings. In my mind, that is a good thing. It will all level out over time, and the country will eventually be OK, but I think these "bad times" are a good thing, if it gets people to change their habits, take some time before purchasing, and make adjustments in their lives.

Yes, less spending will keep the economy in a lull for a longer time, but I feel that this is the best way to get out of this mess. A smart, slow recovery to "normal" is more important and better in the long run than a speedy and reckless one. I fear that if we do recover from this too fast, people will forget, and get back into bad habits. Don't believe that, think about how much the talk for alternative fuels and autos has calmed down with gas under $2 a gallon.

I feel it is irresponsible the way the government and the media are handling educating people on this economic situation. So, don't listen to the hype. Saving and spending less is a good thing. The economy will eventually recover (maybe slower than Washington and Wall Street want, but who cares) whether you spend frivolously on that iPod, or not. But, if it is frivolous, will your own economy recover?

Until the next time.....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

old is new again.....

Well, I mentioned it in my last post, and I have written about it quite a few times since the end of last season, but The Carolina Hurricanes finally fired Coach Peter Laviolette. What I didn't mention, and did not think would occur, is that the team has decided to replace Laviolette with the man that he replaced, Paul Maurice. The hiring of Maurice is strange, but with only four players still here from the last day he was here, it is almost like he is coaching a new team anyway.

This has Jim Rutherford's (Canes' GM) fingers all over it. Yes, the team has not been consistent, but when your squad constantly looks like a MASH unit, it is not going to be. There were lucky to only miss the last two playoffs by 2 points each. It could have and should been much worse. Rutherford was not happy with Laviolette after they won the Stanley Cup, and Laviolette's contract had expired. Rutherford had to sign him to that nice long (and expensive) five year deal, or risk losing him to another team (probably his hometown Bruins) right after the greatest time in the franchise's history.

Well, let's hope Coach Maurice can light that spark that has been missing, and that the team can stay healthy for the remainder of the season. As for Coach Laviolette, he has 2 1/2 years of salary coming his way, but I expect him to behind some teams bench before the puck drops next season.

Starting tomorrow afternoon, Cassie will be taking voice lessons taught by a member of our church. She will only be able to take three weeks worth of lessons, but that will be just enough time to let us know if she is serious or not, for when we return to NC.

Tomorrow night, Morgan and I continue with our small group at church. It is the same couples as the last group, except we have one new couple, who replaced the couple that is just about ready to have their first child. This is a quick four week group, and we are studying "The Life of Mary".

Three weeks from tonight we will be back east. Where has this time flown to?

Sorry, I have been lazy with the writing and postings. I think after all the writing I did before and after the election, and with so much going on with us and the move, I am a little worn out. But I do "owe" you my thank you note to CRB.

Plus I want to talk about the fact that it is OK to save your money this holiday season, even if the media is telling you to spend or things will get worse. Ugh!

Until the next time.....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

stuff before move.....

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving with either friends or family (or both). We had a nice quiet time with a few friends. It was nice. Did not go anywhere on "Black Friday", though I saw from Casey's posts he purchased a new TV.

If you did not see, there was a tragedy at the WalMart in Valley Stream, New York (last town on Long Island before it becomes "the city"). Let's see what legal charges and lawsuits come out of this event. Maybe then some retailer will think twice before doing these "teaser" ads next year.

I have been doing a ton of little things concerning the office, the upcoming tax season, the move, and the new house. There are so many little things in different areas that need to be done, it seems like I can't get any of the "piles" to get any lower. I finally decided to take care of the office / tax season first, and leave the house / move for after the holiday.

At this time of year, I have to get "year-end notes" to the business clients so that, so that they can start getting those last few figures together to tie in their year-end numbers. With our short schedule (25 days from today we leave SD) I just needed to get this done earlier then usual, but at least it is "off my desk".

The other project I finished was getting a letter to all my clients with the new office information. Luckily, I have a good "employee" (who didn't complain too much) who labeled and stuffed about 250 envelopes. Plus, she gets paid in parental love. Once the new business cards come in, we'll throw them in, close the envelopes and mail them out.

On the house front, I have been moving around on getting a mortgage. We are already approved and set-up with the NC State Employees Credit Union, as Morgan had banked with them forever, and we have always used them for our mortgages since we moved to NC in 1993. Well, a client through a "fly into the ointment", and has been able to get me a lower rate (by 3/8%), and lower fees (about $400). It is hard for us to move from SECU, but for a 20 year mortgage, this is a $17,000 savings. Can't pass that up. If SECU lowers the rate in the next week or so, we'll stay with them, otherwise we will have to cancel the application with them.

Then yesterday, my client's site changed their 15 year mortgage to under 5%, so that is now something else for me to think about. Ugh!

Was able to get new phone numbers set up, and internet service installed the afternoon after we close on the house. If I wasn't forced to have a "land line" because of the office, I would look at alternatives, because basic phone service pricing is out of control. Could have sworn in I remember AT&T being broken up years ago for having a monopoly, and now after all these years, they are back again to controlling it all.

The next morning, DirecTV will be installed. I hope I have the sightlines for the dish to get a signal. I would have thought about using Time Warner, but their high definition service and their HD-DVR has just been a nightmare as of late. Between the boxes not recording because they need a "reboot", or they just rebooting on their own at any given time, we have had more problems with Time Warner Cable in the past 16 months, then I ever had with DirecTV in the ten years time I subscribed to them.

We also hope on that evening after we close to get our refrigerator and Cassie's bed delivered to the house. And maybe if we get lucky, also have the blinds installed that afternoon/evening.

OK, my head hurts again just thinking about it, so I'll stop for now. :-)

The Hurricanes beat the Flyers yesterday in overtime, 3-2, which snapped the Canes 3 game losing streak, as well as the Flyers' 6 game winning streak. I know the Canes have injuries, but they better get more consistent if they want to make the playoffs, and not be looking from the outside for the third straight year. Also they need to win soon to keep Coach Laviolette around. He is not on the greatest relationship terms with management (undeservedly so), so any prolonged slump might be the end for him.

- These people really love "A Christmas Story".
- The iPhone killer? Blackberry & Verizon hope so.
- Really, a Shrek Christmas special?

Until the next time.....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

giving thanks.....

Yes, this is going to be one of the "this is what I'm thankful for posts". Very original, don't you think? ;-)

My "thanks" on this day before Thanksgiving 2008.

- My loving wife, Morgan, who I love more and more each day.
- My daughter, Cassie, who gives me great joy. Even if sometimes I think she really wants to see my head explode. ;-)
- God, Jesus, and my salvation.
- Mine and my family's health.
- My church, CRB.
- Casey & Heather, Kellie & Steve, Pastor Harry, Pastor Jeanette and Gerry, Tony & Alisa, Tim, Clay & Ronna, Randy & Linda.
- The time I got to spend with my dad (still miss you big time 13 years later), even if it was way too short..
- Living in the greatest country in the world.

For the more frivolous thanks:
- The wonderful new house that is being built for our family. It will be the place we start an even better phase of our life together.
- My motorcycle and any ride, whether it be 2 miles or 150 miles. There is nothing better.
- My XBOX 360 and all my buddies (they aren't frivolous, but the gaming is) over at Geezer Gamers. One of the few places I like being "social".
- Hockey. Greatest game on earth, even if most of the planet doesn't know it.
- ESPN. Hey, I said frivolous. :-)

- Pretty much everyone and everything else in my life. Whether it is a person, or a thing, I think we can all look around and "bump" into thankful pieces of our life at every turn.

Have a great Thanksgiving.

Until the next time.....

Friday, November 21, 2008



All names, descriptions, adjectives associated with the story have been removed for your protection. :-)

A person is looking for a particular service. This person finds a company who provides a service almost like the one they want, but not exactly. Person gets upset that company will not meet his needs and provide this service. Person sues company for them to change their business plan (which in of itself is not illegal in any way) to meet his needs. The Attorney General where this person lives agrees with them, and also sues company to change their business ways. Not to lose in court, company agrees to change their ways to accommodate person.

Moral of story is that a person can make a company change its business practice, if that person does not want to look for alternative businesses that will accommodate his needs/wants.

End of story:

Outraged? Think I am making this up?

I wish I was, but I am not. As a matter of fact, this same exact scenario happened this week. On Tuesday eHarmony, after a three year court battle, agreed to start an "alternative" website to their own that will match up people looking for a same-sex companion.

Let me start by saying that this has absolutely nothing to do with gay or straight. If you think this rant does, please go back and re-read "the story". There is a reason I made it "vanilla" and did not include the actual events. The reason is because they do not matter.

Substitute "person" with "vegetarian", and "company" with "McDonald's", and it is the same story.

How can this be? How in this country have we come to where a business can be forced to change its business practices to accommodate a service that they did not want to provide?

It is not like eHarmony is a monopoly and the only online dating service available in the world. (In fact, besides the many other heterosexual dating sites, there are a numerous amount of gay/lesbian sites.) If that were the case, and eHarmony was a monopoly, I would agree with the ruling, but there were other options available to this man, and he chose not to pursue them, but to instead shoehorned his way into having a company change by bringing them to court.

The State of New Jersey, who also sued eHarmony, claims this was discrimination. No, discrimination would have been if he applied for a job, and was turned down because he was gay. Discrimination was and still would be defined as myself and a black person going to a restaurant, and me being served a hamburger, while they were told they could not eat there. That is discrimination. This was the fact that the company he went to did not sell the service/product he was looking for.

Again, strip away the "descriptions". Could a "little person" sue a Big & Tall shop for not having clothes in his size? Could an obese person sue a "Petite Boutique" for not carrying XXL clothing? These are people who could be legitimately discriminated against, and quite possibly are because of their physical appearance.

Could I sue a Jewish book store for not carrying a Bible, or vice versa if a Jewish person came into a Christian store looking for a Torah? Would that be religious discrimination?

This ruling, if allowed to stand (which it seems it will because eHarmony settled), and if not challenged, opens the door to many other possible combinations. Over-reacting? Sounds crazy?

I don't prepare foreign tax returns. Could a Arab or Muslim, legal alien, demand that I prepare those type of returns, or call me for discriminating against them?

Discrimination is out in the world, and it is a terrible thing. It has a long and disgusting history as part of this country. True discrimination has no place in this world. This is not discrimination.

My fear is that stories like this one will "water down" true discrimination that happens, and eventually we will turn our back on those truly in help against it.

Again. A person went to a store, did not find what he was looking for, so he sued store to carry the item. Think about it the next time you go to Best Buy looking to purchase that John Deere Lawnmower.

Until the next time.....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Morgan's trial is finally over. Well, not "her" trial, but the trial she is a juror on. Because she is an alternate, she is "on call" for now if she is needed because a juror has to leave, or when they are finally ready to deliver a verdict. She has really enjoyed her time during this case. I on the other hand, probably would not have made it out of the questionnaire stage.

Have almost all of the different utilities, etc. taken care of to be shut off here in San Diego, and turned on in NC. Biggest hassle is our Earthlink/Mindspring service. Because we don't want to change email addresses (we have had them since 1995), we need to give Earthlink notice that we are moving. That way when we cancel Time Warner here in San Diego it does not also cancel Earthlink (they are tied in together as our ISP is considered Earthlink on Time Warner). That way our Earthlink account stays "open" during the time we are without internet service until TW hooks us up back in NC.

Confusing, but easier this time because I did a live chat with Earthlink to get my "move" set up. Much better than trying to speak with a customer service representative that I can't understand.

Flying into NC on Christmas Eve means not being able to run to any stores for the first day and half, so we are having Kellie catch some UPS packages from us with some basics, and run to PetSmart (when I remember to send her a check) so the cats will have what they need. We really appreciate the helping hand.

Haven't found anything yet, but I am sure we will be employing Casey for something also. ;-)

We had our monthly church motorcycle ride on Sunday. I have to say it was the best one yet. I thought the views a couple of months ago when we came towards the Pacific was great, but this was even better. We went up the mountains towards Julian (where Morgan, Cassie and I go sometimes), and instead of going into town, we went up to the top (over 5000 feet) and descended down the other side towards the valley and desert town of Boreggo Springs.

The views from the top of the mountain coming down in the desert were spectacular. Seeing the desert then over to other mountains and the colors was just amazing. God's work in creating this beauty just never ceases to amaze.

After eating lunch at Carlee's in Boreggo Springs we headed back home. This took us again from the warm desert, up the mountains to cool temperatures at 5000 feet, through the heart of Julian, then back down our normal path to the suburbs of San Diego, where we all live.

It was the best 150 miles I have spent on the bike. Only thing that could have added to the day would have been finishing off the ride at the Pacific, but that's just getting greedy.

These rides with these very nice and special people will be, along with the church itself, the pieces I will miss most about leaving here.

One of the guys, Hugh, brought along his 14 year old daughter. She had only been on the back of a bike a couple of times for trips around the block, and decided she wanted to go for a long ride with daddy. She had a blast, and I can't wait until I get to do the same with Cassie.

Glad to see the bailout really helping the economy and stock market. Yikes! I will say this though, and that is patience. Where the market is today was last seen in 2003. Only 5 years ago. Not 50 years. So, please be patient, and it will turn around. It is going to be bumpy, but it will end eventually.

As I have said before, in a "24 hours news channel / internet" world, all events get so much play (especially bad news), they seem worse then they really are if you had time to sit back and digest them.

- Could oil drop down below $50 a barrel?
- Hurricanes have won two in a row. This time, 2-1 over the Canadiens.
- PC Magazine will be online only. Not too long before a majority will be following suite.

Until the next time.....

Monday, November 17, 2008

eat and shop.....

Is there anything more annoying then trying to do some quick shopping in Costco (or BJs, or Sam's, etc.) and have the aisles clogged with shoppers who have also decided to eat a free 3000 calorie, 200 grams of fat lunch by snacking all the "samples"? All I wanted was my breakfast bards and a couple of cases of water, and it seemed I had to move my cart like I was going through a mine field. If it wasn't the 70 year old shuffling along while eating, it was dodging what was falling out of their mouths, because it seems the "law" that you also have to slow down and try to talk in the middle of the aisle, while you are stuffing your face all before arriving at the next course of the meal at the aisle end-cap. Ugh!

I bow down to Chris for being on top of this before I got completely on board concerning the bailouts. We now have Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson kind of "winging it" and changing the rules as they go concerning where and how much of the bailout money will be distributed. Funny thing is, that all the "doom and gloom" was supposed to happen right away if we did nothing. Well, it's eight weeks since then, and we have really done nothing of substance with the bailout, and the earth did not implode like we were told it would.

On top of that, now we have cities (Detroit & Philadelphia to name tow) asking for a "bailout", and the granddaddy of them all, the three US automakers (Chrysler, Ford and GM) asking for $25 billion to help them out.

First, the cities. NO! Cut services, trim staff, and do what you have to do. Cut trash collection, go to a four day work week. Whatever is necessary.

As for the automakers. Even a bigger NO! Want to know the "Big 3's" biggest expense is these days? Legacy contracts with the United Automakers Workers (UAW). Chapter 11 bankruptcy would allow the automakers to "rework" themselves, renegotiate the contracts, and come out the other end leaner and more streamlined. It worked for the airlines, it can work for the autos.

I know the Democrats and Detroit are screaming about 3 million jobs being lost. Does anyone really believe that if all three closed their doors, that the factories would just sit there empty? Of course not. It would only be a matter of days before someone with money bought up the factories and supplies, hired the engineering brains of each company and then hired workers with reasonable contracts. Next thing you know, there would be efficient, innovative cars being made, and at competitive prices.

The only losers? The unions and union leaders because they can't see the forest through the trees, and are willing to dig their heels in and not help out the situation.

How come nobody is bothering to mention that Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Honda and Nissan are all able to build cars here in the US, and are not in the same kind of trouble? Because it would mean admitting that they are working with non-union employees, and don't have 15% of their costs going to ridiculously negotiated contracts from long ago.

- How nice of Goldman Sachs to not give out bonuses this year.
- 007 takes in 70 (million dollars).
- Congratulations to Jimmie Johnson for NASCAR title #3.

Until the next time.....

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Up to the point Morgan and I walked into CRB, I never thought I would be accepted as a Christian. Not by the people who were in those churches I, or we, visited over the last 35 years, and definitely, not by Jesus. Why? I had way too much baggage, and those people I saw and spoke with had none of that weighing them down. Or so I thought.

Growing up in the Northeast as Roman Catholic meant that even though you went to church each Sunday (or Saturday night), unless you were a clergyman, or named a Cardinal, Saint or the Pope, or one of the little old ladies clutching her Rosary Beads, you were going to hell. It seemed we just went to church to make the journey down easier.

I remember fear, threats, and lots of confessional booths. Not much else. As for the people, they had "issues" (Especially the men it seemed. Catholic women didn't talk about their problems, as their problems seemed to revolve around their husbands.) It probably did not help that my brother and I were dropped off at a church on our own, and then picked up afterwards. I don't blame my parents, but I don't think they realized what a setback (at least to me), that was in understanding religion.

Then after college and leaving the church for 18 years, I decide to get back into trying to find God by going to a Southern Baptist Church. Here all the people in the church were presented as perfect, or at least that was the impression they gave. Everybody seemed to be born the perfect Christian, and lead the perfect Christian life. I was back to thinking, "what am I trying to accomplish here with what I have behind me?".

I was intimidated, and afraid to come forward, because I believed how I had lived before would anchor me, and never let me get to where I wanted to go, and that was to a relationship with Jesus. I was afraid of someone hearing about my past, or present, and saying "No" to me. I needed to know that people like me could come to God, be forgiven, and then allowed to live a normal life that has Jesus at our side. I wasn't seeing or hearing that message.

Then we met people at CRB. Some of them were that "perfect" Christian, who grew up always in the church, and pretty much was on that "straight and narrow" path. But they said hello to us, and talked to us, not down at us, like I had felt before. (And before I go any further, no Kellie, you, or your family, or some others at WCA, never made me feel that way) Then we met others, and in discussions they told about drug, alcohol and other addictions, infidelities, betrayals and other "baggage" from their lives. They were willing to open up to me, to let me know that it was OK to have baggage, and that you can let it go and start a new chapter. I saw all these people together as Christians, and finally realized that "yes" I could be one of them. That was the lock that needed to be opened to finally allow myself to open up to God.

As silly as this may sound, it also helped me to learn that those I met and became friends with also enjoyed many of the same activities that I did. That includes some fellow game players, sport nuts, and of course motorcycle riders. Before CRB, I would have never dreamed of riding with fellow church members, including my Pastor.

My thoughts and impressions about "who" a Christian was, has changed 180 degrees these past 15 months, and even though it took a long time to get myself on the same page, it was well worth the wait.

Again, thanks for reading and letting me "talk" about what has gone on, and what I am thinking about.

Until the next time.....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I don't hate.....

First, a housecleaning item. Nate, if you looked in the comments after yours, I mentioned that I ride a 2007 Harley Sportster, and hope to eventually get a Heritage Softail Classic. I wasn't hiding what I ride from you. :-)

It is nine days since Election Day, and the most noise in the country is still about Proposition 8 passing here in California. Barack Obama winning the Presidential Election? That's so "yesterday". The "No" side of the vote is out in full throat, and it looks like there will be no backing down from them. We even had Melissa Etheridge claim that she would no longer be paying her California State Income Taxes because of the vote's outcome. Let's see how well that goes over in a state with a deep budget deficit.

Of course from reading, you come to find out that Prop 8 only passed because the Extreme Right-Wing Christian Zealots were against it, and we got all our bigoted, homophobic, "all gays should die" friends to join us in voting.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. While there may be some on the outer edges who may agree and wish the above, the overwhelming majority of us rebuke that type of thought and language. Christians have gay and lesbian people in our lives. I do, and I care about my friends and family that are homosexuals, and I wish absolutely no ill on them, but I also believe that they should not be joined in marriage. Marriage to me is as defined in the Bible, one man and one woman.

Actually, I have no problem with a legal document between two consenting adults that would give them some basic "rights" that have always been there for heterosexual couples. That includes, but only, being able to visit their partner in a hospital, because I believe that nobody should be denied seeing a loved one (whether you agree or disagree with their relationship) if him or her were in ICU or in their dying days. Again, just not a marriage.

I had this discussion with Pastor Harry last Tuesday during our meeting. I asked him if being a Christian meant I was supposed to shun my friends and family that are gay, and if my thoughts, like stated above, were wrong and against Christian beliefs. He told me "absolutely not", as we are not to turn anyone away, and my thoughts about some kind of civil agreement, were not out of line. We discussed that Jesus sat with tax collectors, prostitutes, and other sinners (and maybe even the occasional tax preparer :-) ).

I felt better after Pastor Harry and I spoke, because I felt I was right in loving my friends and family members, because they are my friends and family members, but at the same time as a Christian not approving of their lifestyle. But, I wanted the reassurance that my feelings were correct and inline with what I was reading in the Bible, and that I can separate the two.

OK, so I opened the door here for some discussion, and hopefully did not make anyone too uncomfortable. Do my friends and readers agree with above? Do my Christian friends and readers agree with what I have written?

The reason I started this was because I wanted to expand this over the next day or so to talk about how my perception has changed of who and what a Christian can be, and how I feel Christians are portrayed. Then that would give you a little better understanding when I bring over the thank you letter I presented to Pastor Harry at CRB.

Thank you for indulging me these next few posts.

Until the next time.....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

our two cats.....

Casper - 10 years old

Leo - 17 years old

Really lazy today, but I took these pictures the other day after seeing cat pictures on the blog of Nate's sister, Angela, so I had to post them.

Nate was asking about what kind of motorcycle I have, as he also rides, but he had his ride stolen a few years ago. The strange part is, Casey also rides, but also had his ride stolen before we became friends. Who knows two guys, in two separate cities who don't ride now because their bikes were stolen?

Morgan is back to jury duty after two days off for Veteran's Day. She is enjoying her her time there (well as much as you can enjoy jury duty), but as an alternate, she could go through the whole trial, and not have a hand in the final decision.

We now have a solid closing date and time of Monday, December 29th at 11am. Now, I can start booking the satellite, internet, and telephone hook-ups. What fun!

OK, I'm done.

- The Hurricanes got crushed tonight, losing 5-1 to Washington.
- Hi-Def Flips.
- Hope I enjoy Quantum of Solace better then reviewers.

Until the next time.....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

starting on the wrong foot.....

Today is Veteran's Day. To me, every day should be Veteran's and Memorial Day. These are the great, brave men and women who made this country what it was, is, and will be.

My lovely wife Morgan mentioned to me (and left a comment) that my congratulations to Barack Obama seemed more like a backhand compliment. It was not meant to be that way, but in looking at it, I did question more than congratulate. So, let me try again, and give President-Elect Obama my congratulations, and prayers as he leads this country for the next four years. I "hope" that he is able to "change" the ways of this great country.

Well, our dates are starting to fall into place. The movers will be packing up the house and the truck on December 22nd and 23rd. Morgan, Cassie, myself and the Leo & Casper (the cats) will be leaving San Diego on Christmas Eve morning and will arrive in Raleigh around 5pm. As for closing on the house, they are looking at the afternoon of Monday, December 29th, or the next morning, Tuesday, December 30th. Our stuff should arrive in NC sometime the 29th, 30th, or 31st, depending on the weather as they cross the country.

Now, I just need to firm up the cars and their transport. The motorcycle is going with our personal stuff in the moving truck.

The last of the items we wanted to sell, has left the house, as the bedroom set was sold and moved out of here early this afternoon. That is a big relief to not have to worry about moving and selling those items back in NC. It also make the house a much easier "move" for the moving company.

Found out from the ministry leader of the Eternal Riders that our ride this Sunday will be a nice and very long one. We will be going over the mountains and down into the desert for our day of riding. If the weather is right, we should go from needing long sleeves and a jacket to only short sleeves by the time we drop the 5000 feet in elevation. Should be fun, and I am looking forward to it as it will probably be my last ride with this group for a while.

Off to some "catch up" television with Morgan, and maybe some Gears of War afterwards, if I don't fall asleep. ;-)

- Some of my so called "friends" already trying the New XBOX Live. :-)
- Three days until new James Bond, Quantum of Solace.
- My wife and all of San Diego upset with Trevor being let go by Padres.

Until the next time.....

Friday, November 7, 2008

sold on Craigslist.....

OK, I got rid of the gray (I like gray), and changed up the colors. Please let me know what you think.

This Tuesday afternoon, we will have each of the items we were not putting in the new house sold and picked up thanks to Craigslist. The only items we are leaving up for sale are the washer/dryer, but if they don't sell it is not a big deal, as we only have them up there to lighten the moving weight.

The moving expenses will not be as bad as we thought because of quite a few factors, including the slow economy, new trucking laws started in 2008, which seems to have knocked down rates, and fuel prices falling. Plus we are returning with only what we want/need, so the load will be much lighter than previous times.

We began telling the people at church about us moving and the reaction has been overwhelming. This is making leaving a bit harder for us. After talking with quite a few people, many have reasons they visit NC, and will be adding us to their stops when in the state, so that also makes us feel pretty good. Morgan and I joked that we were hoping they said, "Good riddance, don't let the door hit you when you go", as it would make it easier for us to leave, but that has not happened. We have been blessed to meet such good people here at CRB.

Tuesday, I has a long meeting with Pastor Harry, about us moving, and what the church has meant to me, and to us as a family. I also gave him a 3 page "thank you" note which chronicled my journey, and the events that have occured these past 5+ years. He was so happy when I told him how much CRB has changed us and meant to us this past year, that I thought he was going to cry when I finished my story. Now, he is talking about me going up and giving my testimony in front of the church before we move away.

If 18 months ago you would have told me this story, I would have looked at you like you had 3 heads. What a ride it has been. I have a copy of the letter, and might post it here before we leave San Diego.

I picked up a new business client down in Atlanta. I had a business client move there from NC, and he recommended me to his brother and his brother's business partner, who were not happy with their previous accountant. My client has one of the lowest fees for a monthly client among my base, and with me changing my fee set-up for all new clients, this was going to be interesting. Why? I knew he expected his brother to pay the same low fee that he had been paying. Sure enough, I got a phone call from my original client asking why his brother was being charged more. I told him about my new fee schedule and that I had discounted his brother a little, because he was family (which I did). That got an OK from him, so I then pushed my luck and mentioned that I was going to be raising his fees when I return to NC to get all my "old" clients up to my current pricing levels, but that it would be done a little at a time. He said OK, at that was the end of the conversation.

So, I got a new client and was able to raise a fee all at the same time. The old me would have been a "wimp" and lowered the brother's fee down to the existing brother, just to keep the client happy, which would have made me upset when working on those clients.

I don't even want to get into the debacle that occurred last night in Washington with the Hurricanes. How you blow a lead with less than 3 minutes to play and come away with no points against a division rival? It just unthinkable. This one or two points will be forgotten come April, but if they miss the playoffs again by a point or two (like the past two seasons), they can look back at this game.

A quiet weekend of nothing and game playing ahead. Enjoy yours.

- "You got to move it, move it" Madagascar 2.
- I think, Gears of War 2 might mean a late night this weekend.
- One week until James Bond and Quantum of Solace.

Until the next time.....


Yes, after a year, I changed up the template and colors of this blog. Not sure if I like it, after an hour of playing with it. Please let me know what you think. Is it easy to read? Go back to the old one? Try another one? Any input is appreciated. Thank you.

Until the next time.....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations Barack Obama.....

As I stated in my last piece about why I voted for John McCain, my world did not end, just because of an election result that I did not want to see. Yes, I am disappointed, but my "world" will go on the same, no matter who was elected.

As mentioned before, Morgan and I are not tied to any "party" when it comes to our careers, so we plug along, and keep the "ship" going straight. Some might say that is selfish, but as I have said, I believe in taking care of yourself, if you are capable of doing so, so why would I go against that belief when it comes to my family. That is not to say, I don't want the country to do well, as I do, but we are not tied to the economy, like some others might be.

That said, I again congratulate the new President-Elect on a well oiled campaign machine. We will never see a campaign run the "old fashioned" way anymore, but whether that is a good thing is something we will see. Obama spending $250 million (double McCain) has many eyebrows raised about future "purchasing of elections. Think you saw lots of ads this year, just wait if neither candidate takes public financing in 4 years, and both spend over $200 million.

Obama's speech last night was interesting. He spoke about this taking a while (maybe more than a term), hard work and sweat to get this country moving again. I am all for that, and I hope the words that I heard are his true words, and he means them, as these "centrist" ideas from the campaign and last night differ from his prior words (written or spoken) or voting records.

I also hope that his supporters heard these words, and really listened to them. I hope they realize that if he follows this course that this will not be a "snap of the fingers", and things will be great. Though some are obliviously thinking that his election is some magic elixir for their problems. I hope many others are more realistic, and will not be disappointed.

This country was built on hard work and sweat. You did the work, you made it "to the table". If you fell, there was help to get you upright again and headed in the right direction, but it was still up to you to take advantage of that help and make it "to the table". And for the few that just could not do it on your own, there was help to that table.

Some might say that we don't help enough that have fallen to get up and get guided in the right direction, and that may be true, which is "shame on us". But at the same time, there are way too many that try to claim they can't do it all, and take advantage of the system, and want to be picked up and placed with those have worked and sweated. Shame on them.

Also, what has changed dramatically over the years is that once at the table, everyone wants to be at the head of it. They want to "keep up with the Joneses." That attitude is a major factor in this credit mess people are in. How many are in "trouble" financially, but can look around at fancy cars, TVs, iPods, iPhones, and video game systems in their household?

His words last night spoke of personal reflection and responsibility. I hope he is true to them, and people listen.

If, once in office, Obama does decide to "go left", he will have trouble. It might not be with this Congress, but with the rest of America two years, then four years from now. This is still a "center / right" country. If you don't believe that, look at the majority of new house members and Senators, as they are either Moderate Republicans or Conservative Democrats. Go beyond that, and look at the ballot initiatives that voted to keep marriage defined as "one man / one woman". This election was a "shift" and message to the Republicans to get its act together, it was not a "swing" and mandate for the Liberals. To think that way would be foolish.

Though, I am already hearing rumblings about the Fairness Doctrine, and also the law to do away with secret ballots for unions, so maybe they are going to test the waters to see if the nation is still "starry eyed", and not paying attention.

So again, congratulations to Barack Obama. This administration has a tough road ahead of it. I hope and pray they do the right thing, and that his words last night ring true.

If not, you can be sure, I will let you know. :-)

Morgan has been on jury duty this week, and got called to be on the jury. About 150 people were in the pool, and she made it through. They say the case should wrap up by the 21st of this month, so that will mean she will miss about 3 weeks of work. Luckily, the station is OK with it, especially if she can use this "adventure" on the air when she returns.

Time to go through my "political junkie" withdrawals. :-)

- Law and Order is back. Hooray.
- The Beatles on Rock Band. Morgan says I'm old. :-(
- Hurricanes beat Maple Leafs in OT after blowing 3 goal lead.

Until the next time.....

Friday, October 31, 2008

Why John McCain gets my vote.....

I have put myself out there by supporting John McCain, and now it is time for me to tie it all together, and explain why. While John McCain was not my initial choice a year ago, I think of it as picking a system, and not just the individual, so the whole package is what leads me to the McCain camp. Yes, this is an extremely long post, so I apologize now. If you do take the time to read all of it, thank you.

John McCain – This is a man who is a true American hero. While some might say it was 40 years ago, he had every right to be bitter and not want to put “Country First” after being a POW for 5 ½ years, but instead has always wanted to help his country by being a public official. He has been willing to work with Democrats as well Republicans over his career, and with a very heavy Democrat House and Senate, would know where to “pick his battles” in dealing with this Congress.

Sarah Palin – Yes, I will gush over this woman, and this will be my longest “reason”. Many think she is not intelligent enough, or ready for this position. They are wrong on both counts. This is a woman who took on her own party’s incumbent Governor, beat him, then went on to beat her opponent and become Governor. Two campaigns, one against “one of her own”, and she won. The people of Alaska know what they have in her. And for those saying, “it backwards Alaska”, and “she sounds like she came from the movie Fargo”, I will remind you that 16 years ago a Governor from Arkansas with a southern drawl, that might have come from the movie Deliverance, won the Presidency, and Democrats didn’t seem to mind his accent, lack of foreign policy, or lack of morals.

As for her lack of intelligence, does anyone think Barack Obama, or any politician just “knew” all the foreign affairs details, and other issues right from the start? For this I blame the McCain camp, as they should have come to the conclusion to choose her back in July, and that would have given them enough time to get her “up to speed”. A campaign season with 24 hour news channels and internet is not the time to keep her from reporters, and have her study up on issues that she normally does not deal with. Just listen to her now in interviews, or on the stump, and you see a different and confident woman, who has a much better grasp on the issues.

As for the woman herself, I remarked in a prior post that she reminds me of my wife, Morgan. She is strong, sure of herself, and not afraid to get in there, and “kick up some dust”. Sarah Palin is a strong Christian, and looks like a great wife and mother. Her, and the whole family seem to have great family values. (Quick story that a friend witnessed. The Palins showed up at his Stone Cold Creamery in Orlando, and when told they didn’t have to pay, the youngest girl took the $20 bill she had in her hands and immediately walked over the Make-A-Wish jar and placed in inside. No prompting, no words, just did it. BTW, they did have to pay, as the campaign would not allow freebies.)

I will state right now, that if on Tuesday McCain does not win, I will be first in line for her next national endeavor, if she decides to go that way. She gets a year or so to give her input on national affairs, while educating herself on foreign policy, and she will be a force to be reckoned with. Her Christian values are strong, but she does not look to force them down the throat of those on the other side, as noted any times during interviews when she always mentions that she understands that there is an “other side”. That is something non-Christians sometimes do not understand (heck, I didn’t for a long while), as they always think Christians are “our way or the highway”. Not so, and it is something we as Christians, and the Republican Party need to work on, and that is showing we are inclusive, not exclusive.

Iraq – This is not an argument on whether we should be in Iraq. That is a separate argument, and one I would not fight you on too heavily, except to say that there was intelligence, and even without WMD, us finding all those grave with hundreds if Iraqi civilians in them, would be enough for me.

As for now, we are there and we must finish the job we started. That may take 6 months, it may be 24 months, but in any case, we do not give a definite timeline and date. That is just inviting disaster. Progress is being made along all lines (being ignored right now with the Presidential race and economy dominating headlines), and we can’t leave until we are 100% complete, not 80 or 90 percent.

Also, for all the babble about the cost, there are some things missing from the rhetoric. First the $80 billion surplus was calculated when oil was $150 a barrel, so the number is now mute. Also, what is overlooked is that even if we pull out of Iraq tomorrow, many of those soldiers and equipment is going to Afghanistan. While we may not spent the full amount we are now spending in Iraq, there will not be a 100% savings.

National Security – I believe in the same Teddy Roosevelt theory of “walk softly and carry a big stick”. Others do not like us. They flew 4 planes into three buildings, and luckily because some brave Americans took action and did not talk to them, were stopped from even more damage. No attacks on American soil since 9/11.

John McCain will finish the job correctly in Iraq, get us through Afghanistan, and keep us safe from any other extremes that want to harm us. That will done by keeping us a power, and also soothing over feathers the current administration has ruffled.

Taxes and Jobs – This is where my 22 years in business takes over. I believe that we all “go up or go down” together when it comes to taxes, and not this “some go up, while others go down” garbage. The rates are already graduated, to make it that those making more, pay more, and many don’t realize that there are penalties in place that reduce deductions for those that make over certain amounts.

While a married couple with taxable income (income minus deductions and dependents) of $50K pays $6700 (any children under 17 and you can knock that down $1000 for each one under the age), while the same couple with $150K pays $30,800, and raise that to $300K, and the taxes paid are $77,800. So the “rich” that makes six times the income, now pays 12 times the amount in tax (Without counting any children under 17. Give each two children and the $50K earner’s tax is $4700, while is 16 ½ times less than the person making $300K), and they want to raise that to make it “fair”.

McCain will keep the taxes as they are, and will not punish one group to appease another.

Also, there has been lots of talk about small businesses and the $250K threshold. Let me tell you that the Obama is correct about certain businesses, like mine, as I don’t make that amount, so I am not affected by the tax increase. I also don’t create any jobs.

Jobs are created by businesses that will be affected by the tax increase. Facts are that “small businesses” (those with less than 100 employees) do make up almost 50% of the new jobs created, but almost all of those jobs come from businesses that current employ at least 20 workers now. Those businesses with over 20 employees, are also the ones making over $250K, so if you increase their taxes, which increase their costs, they are less likely to hire new employees. I have seen this over and over during my career.

Overall, neither one of these two candidates will have an effect on the economy in any large scale manner, as the economy always goes in a cycle. A President’s policies may determine how fast we get out of this “low”, and keeping taxes low for all is the best policy to quicken the recovery pace.

Windfall Profits Tax - Barack Obama wants to put a “special” tax on the profits of oil companies, and while we all hate paying for gas and seeing oil profits at these large numbers, this is plain and simple supply and demand capitalism. Wanting to tax them more is plain stupid. The day this is proposed, the CEO of Exxon should get on the air, and make a statement that says, “The tax that is imposed is fine with us. Please be aware that the price per gallon will rise $X tomorrow to offset our additional costs”.

Exxon make about 10 cents per dollar in profit, so on a $100 fill up, they make $10. It costs Apple $100 to make a Nano that it then sells for $200, and nobody is talking about taxing them any differently.

Energy and Jobs – John McCain wants to drill for oil, while building nuclear facilities, and bringing other alternatives “online”. I have always felt that we would have a long transition period, so we need as many possibilities as we can open for use, until we determine, as a nation, how we are going to “fuel” ourselves. I would not be surprised if in ten to fifteen years we have gas, natural gas, hybrid, hydrogen, and battery powered vehicles all sharing the road, with the “old gas” auto slowly decreasing in number. Any US drilling is good drilling, as any dollar we keep for ourselves during the transition is one less going to those outside US boarders.

At the same time, we would start getting the other alternatives (wind, nuclear, solar, etc.) closer to being “online” and supplementing what we now use. I do not believe we would have a complete overhaul to a whole new “green” system for at least 20 to 30 years, and all those years would mean jobs for people that want them.

Federal spending – President Bush spent like a sailor on leave or a rich girl with daddy’s credit card. Whatever your analogy, it has been a disgrace. Senator McCain has always been a “penny pincher” when it comes to the budget, and I don’t see it stopping here.

Meanwhile, an Obama, Pelosi, Reid “trifecta” would make the Bush days seems like they were spending at the “five and dime”. Obama has already mentioned a $150 billion stimulus, and Pelosi has already stated that she would double it to $300 billion. That is before he has even been elected.

Abortion – Look at your son, daughter, niece, nephew, or grandchild. Now think about the issue. Now go back and look at that child again. You decide.

Bill Ayers matters – I have heard the argument, “it was 40 years ago when Ayers committed his crimes, and he and Obama only were on some boards together”. It is a matter of judgment, and this was bad judgment. Obama should have excused himself from the board, or asked the Ayers be dismissed. This is a man that as recently as 2001, said that he wished he had done more damage to the country.

Again, if McCain was on a board, with a former Nazi, KKK member, or an abortion clinic bomber, there would be uproar from the left.

I don’t need a nanny – My basic philosophy is that you “take care of your own” and don’t look to others, in this case the government, to help you. I see and hear many that support Obama claim that their lives will be great if he is elected, and that the Republicans got us into this mess. Really? The Republicans ran up your credit card bills? Or made you buy a house you could not afford (and stop all the predatory lending garbage, as there has to be someone that actually looked at what they were signing), that was overpriced, but you figured you could “flip it” and make a buck. This was all President Bush and the Republicans’ doings?

Let me give you a hint. No matter who wins, it will not change unless you do something to make it change. Looking for the government to do it for you just makes you a child to their government parenting. Had parents, they taught me to get it myself.

Now again, as I have stated, I am for small and limited government. What possibly lies ahead, and what some people seem to be wanting is downright scary.

So, those are my main reasons that I support John McCain (I could go on, but I think this is enough), and hope that he is elected President of these United States. I don’t agree with everything he wants to do, or does not want to do, but for myself the choice is simple. We will rise up as a nation as long as each one of us as individuals does his/her best to make that possible. Sitting down and waiting on the government to do it for you, is not how we will get it done.

Will my world end if John McCain is not elected? No. I will be disappointed, but I am an American first, and a Republican second. My "house" is in order, so I am not going to be effected too much in either case, and in truth I will probably benefit from the increased business with so many tax changes possible. But again, my choice is made not only with me in mind, but the country as a whole.

Until the next time.....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

sold for.....

So I put up all our items that we wanted to sell on Craigslist, and within a matter of a couple of hours we sold off the bunk bed and have two people wanting the outdoor table and chairs set. The bunk bed was picked up today, and the table/chairs is supposed to be looked at and bought tomorrow. If that person falls through, a couple really wants it, and has emailed me quite a bit checking on it (a little "stalky" :-) ).

Now, we just need to start getting some interest in the big items.

I set up estimate appointments with four different movers over the rest of this week. All seemed OK with our time frame of packing the house and loading a truck by December 23rd or 24th. I can already feeling myself stressing over this, and I have not even gotten to the cars, or setting up ours and the cats' travel back east.

I am working up a long post (probably broken up into multiple posts) of why I am voting for John McCain (I know you are brimming with anticipation). Figured after preaching about knowing your candidate, I should "put up" and explain my reason for the McCain / Palin ticket.

I will say that none of them have to with the fact the Obama is a black man (technically half black), but you would think from most on the Democratic side that being a racist is the only reason you would not be voting for him. I have seen, read, and heard more garbage pointed in that direction then I ever care to hear again. Seems that if you disagree with the proposed Democratic agenda, it is only because you keep a sheet over your head.

Now, I am not naive, as there are some nuts with plenty of hate coming out of them and towards Obama because of his skin color, but they do not represent even 1% of us who are voting for John McCain.

It has gotten so that Morgan will not let me put out my McCain / Palin yard sign in fear of the house or my car, which I leave in the driveway, being damaged. I have worn my McCain / Palin hat almost everyday for the past month, and I do get some funny looks. I also get some "nice hat" remarks, but they are always done in a whisper to me, like they are telling me a secret.

- Will they finish Game 5 in Philadelphia before next spring?
- And the ride now goes back up again.
- Hurricanes lose to Montreal 3-2 in OT.

Until the next time.....

Monday, October 27, 2008

and it starts.....

Somehow it is only about 8 weeks until we move back to NC. How did that happen? Today, a real estate agent that Morgan dealt with when we came out here, stopped by so he can list the house for rent. I will say that the owners have been real nice about this, and did not give us any hassle when I told them we were leaving early (that could be because they will probably get more rent then we are paying now). It would be nice to get this rented for them before we leave.

Morgan and I also listed a bunch of items on Craigslist. Already have a few replies, and the stuff has not been up for more than 45 minutes. Hopefully we will be able to sell them quickly. We were discussing it last night, and we will probably mention this to people at church, in case somebody knows someone still looking for furniture or households due to last year's fires. If we don't sell the items, we might think about donating them, just to not have to move with them, and then try to sell again back in NC.

Kellie mentioned that we have our drywall up, so that means we should be able to move up the closing to December 31st. Just waiting for the builder to call me back and confirm it. Then, I will start calling movers, and try to get the cars set up for the move. The cars are the biggest hassle, especially the Viper because it needs to be put in a special inside carrier. As for the motorcycle, I will either "pack" it in the moving truck (I know Allied Movers will do it), or have Harley Davidson come and get it with their trucking service.

Otherwise, it is pretty quiet around here. Like moving isn't enough.

The Hurricanes won their game Saturday night over the New York Islanders 4-3. Cam Ward stopped 57 shots! I know they were not good shots, but still, they took 60 shots. That is one a minute. Think we might need to tighten the "D" a little bit. The Canes also suffered two new injuries. As Brandon Sutter suffered a concussion and will be evaluated, while Joni Pitkanen tore his meniscus (my knee injury) and will be out for about a month.

One of my favorites, Bret Hedican signed a contract with the Anaheim Ducks. He and Kristi had moved to California after last season, so it was a good fit.

- Saw a Shell station at $3.09 yesterday. Below $2. Wow.
- Have a feeling LittleBigPlanet is something Morgan and Cassie will enjoy.
- Really? High School Musical 3 was #1 at the box office. I'm shocked. ;-)

Until the next time.....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

sharp dressed (wo)man.....

To borrow and edit an old ZZ Top song title. This is referring to the AP's investigation (wish they worked this hard on Obama's background) and finding that the RNC has spent about $150K on clothing for Governor Palin. No, I am not going to defend this amount, as it is absolutely ridiculous. If it around $50K or so, I probably would not have minded, and it is probably not a story, but once it crossed the six figure threshold, there is no good way to spin this, especially 2 weeks from voting day.

Again, I ask what are the McCain people thinking? Every time they take a step forward, something comes up, that could have been avoided, and they take a step back. I mean with this climate, any Democrat should be 20 points ahead, but this is still a race (extremely slim, but I will not write an obit on this yet), because as the sport phrase goes, "Obama can't seem to put away the other team", but everyday, the people in charge of this campaign keep finding another way to make sure they don't close the gap. Unbelievable.

I will say this in defense of Governor Palin. She was a late choice, and did not have 6 months to prepare for the possibility of campaigning non-stop since September 1st. Again, I am not defending this money, but I am saying that if she, or the RNC, thought in June that this was a possibility, her personal closet would have been updated, and we would not have a story (not that is really is a story).

Of course on the opposite end of the spectrum, we have Senator Biden telling Democratic donors that the United States and world will have an extreme problem after Obama is elected, because enemies will test him, and even his supporters will not like President Obama's response, but that they need to "hang tight" and be with him. I have had to read his remarks numerous times to believe what I am reading, and this is getting no real play in the media at all. Think it would be different if Governor Palin said the same thing.

We had our first little "bump" on our travels back to NC, as I was told that there is no room for Cassie in 5th grade at WCA. Kind of felt like a bit of a kick in the stomach, as she was really looking forward to going back there, but it is only for the last half of the 5th grade, and we are applying for the sixth grade, and feel pretty confident that she will get in if a space opens up. Cassie was pretty upset at first, but we told her that as soon as a spot opens for her, she will be returning.

Otherwise, not much going on. I need to get some pictures taken of the large furniture items we are trying to sell on Craigslist, so we can get them posted. Want to try and sell them here (including our bedroom set, Cassie's bunk bed, sectional couch, washer/dryer, and elliptical machine), so we don't have to pay to move them, and then sell them in NC.

- Phillies win Game 1 over the Rays.
- For Star Wars and gaming geeks.
- Blu-Ray DVD player that can download and play NetFlix. Cool.

Until the next time.....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

nice ride.....

Been a few days, but really there has been nothing too exciting going on around here. We are settling into a gameplan about the move, but otherwise not much. Now, I could have done four days of politics, but I decided to spare you and give you a few days off before I go full bore these last two weeks of the campaign. ;-)

On Sunday morning the Eternal Riders from church had our monthly ride. We were joined by our Pastor, Harry, as he is also an avid rider. It was a nice sunny, cool day, as I was able to stay in a long sleeve t-shirt for the whole ride, and never really got warm. After the first part of the trip (about 60 miles) we stopped for lunch and watched the rest of the Charger game (they lost).

Then after lunch, some stay to ride longer, while others head back to their homes. I was asked if I had even been to a place called, The Hideout. I had not, so that was where we were going, including Pastor Harry. Little did I know, until I rode up on it, that it is up in the mountains, tucked away off any roads (hence, the name), and real life Biker Bar. Oh, yes. Here is this group of riders with our shirts bearing The Cross and our church logo, along with our Pastor, parking and enjoying the atmosphere. Not a place I would normally go, but it was nice to look at all the different rides, and we were asked by a few who we were, but were not bothered at all.

After that was over, we headed back up the mountains, and made a long route home. By the time we were done, I had logged over 130 miles for the day. As Pastor Harry and I were the last two after the group started breaking off, it was real nice to ride with him for a while, talk a little, then say our goodbyes.

It was a very good day. I also made me think about the events in finding CRB even more. First we are out here in 2004, live near the church, but never come across them in our short time here. But in truth, at the time, we were not looking. Then for really no reason, have it tug on Morgan and me that we need to try it again here. Within a month of the decision, we are here. I attend a few different churches, the last one with Morgan, but nothing "sticks", and I am getting really down (Go back to beginning of this blog. I was a mess.). Then only after an accidental conversation with another swim parent, am I told about CRB. We make our first visit in December 2007, and the rest, as the say, is history.

As much as I have missed friends, family, etc., I would not trade the past eleven months since we stepped in CRB for anything. I feel so much better about everything, that I really can't describe it. I will apologize in advance, as I will probably repeat this quite a bit in the coming weeks, as we get closer to leaving.

OK, rant time. :-) As you know from reading these posts, I am a news junkie. But, I mean real news. Good journalism, with good research and "digging". I don't care what it is about, I like a story that goes deep. Personally, I feel it is gone in journalism (24 hour news networks, internet, etc. part of the blame), and I am starting to see that I am not the only one. Do I feel there is a bias in the media. Yes, I do, and I am not the only one, as even members of the media say there is a bias, but does not seem willing to do anything about it.

Sunday morning on CNN's Reliable Sources, the question was brought up about Senator Obama broken promise to take public financing, like John McCain, and the incredible amounts of money that he has brought in. The editor of Time Magazine admitted that if this was switched, and John McCain had broken his promise and was getting all this money, journalists would be all over the story. He said it was "mark" on them for not doing it. Well, thank you, but 2 weeks before the election is not when this admission should be made. Oh well, maybe we will find out about some of this money after November 4th, when there is nothing we can do. :-(

This link about bad mortgages and how the media is reporting it comes from a Geezer buddy, CyberKnight's blog. Ask the "average American" and they will tell you it was President Bush's fault (and John McCain, because they are one in the same person according to the Democrats), because there is nobody standing up to what is being said out on "the stump". Why what is in this piece has not been brought forward to the American public makes my head explode.

OK, picking up the pieces, and wrapping up. :-)

First, it was nice to see the Hurricanes grab 3 of 4 points while here in Southern California. Very sloppy defense on Friday night cost them from winning both games.

- I have had this email spoofing happen to me.
- HSM3 opens Friday, but I can hear the girls screeching already.
- Who had Tampa Bay against Philadelphia in their World Series pool?

Until the next time.....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

back and forth.....

So now it official, except for signatures, that we will be back in NC by January 9, 2009. Morgan got the final OK, and now it is just a matter of "transferring" her over the the NC part of her company.

I have already spoken with the builder, and while he is not 100% positive, he thinks we might be able to move the closing from January 9, 2009 to December 31, 2008. We are going to speak again in about a week or 10 days to see if the sheetrock is up. If so, he does not think moving it up 10 days would be a problem.

That means ten more days before we can set up definite dates, but at least we can start little things, like selling off items we will not be moving with (anyone need a brand new sectional couch, bunk bed, elliptical machine, or outside picnic table?), getting Cassie's paperwork started to return to WCA (if they want her back ;-) ), and a couple of other things. Everything else will have to wait until we have a definite date.

I also need to inform my NC clients, and will do so later tonight or tomorrow in a mass e-mail. Although the clients I retained was very good last tax season, that was people trying it, so if anyone was not thrilled with the "long distance", this will get them settled to know they can come to the office again this year. Besides them having "sit down" appointments again, I do not plan on changing anything I started out here. I will still be paperless, regardless of where I am located.

A good debate last night, and I mean that in overall terms. I would much rather have them sitting at a table and "going at it", then podiums. Even the town hall format, which I like, seemed stiffed, but that is because these campaigns set so many ground rules, it just takes away from any real chance of debate.

My understanding is that in Europe they have debates this way, with the candidates sitting next to each other at a table, and they are much longer than 90 minutes. Basically a moderator throws out a question, and let's the two candidates truly debate. From what I have heard, it is fascinating. Doubtful we would ever see something like that here, but it would be OK with me if it was tried.

That's it for now. Morgan and I have our couples "small group" at church to attend.

- Josh Hamilton has written a book describing his darkest days, and his "comeback".
- Oh no. Even Southwest Airlines lost money.
- Even the World Series will "change" for Barack Obama.

Until the next time.....