Nothing but work going on today. Had a meeting with a local magazine publication to get my ad in their monthly distribution. She said the have never had an accountant advertise. Not sure if that is a good thing.
As for the real work, I am caught up for now, and even got my tax season" letters out to clients. I love e-mail and reaching 300 clients in the click of the mouse. Some people have been a little slow getting their business and employee information to me, so I have a feeling the next week is going to be a bit of a "bear".
I see as I am writing this, that John McCain will win the Republican part of the New Hampshire primary, while Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and too close to call on the Democrat side. Good ol' NC boy, John Edwards is a distant third. I sure hope these last four years of campaigning was worth it for him. He has been non-stop since his defeat as the VP candidate on the Kerry ticket. With two small children under 10, and a wife battling BC, that is a ton of lost time, that will never be regained.
For me, I am very undecided at this point, but I like Mike Huckabee. Really for no other reason right now, then he seems like a normal guy, and closest to the "average" American. He is a former Pastor, and that will immediately turn people away, but I saw a quote after he played some guitar with a band the other night where someone said, "He's not some crazy type of Christian, he's a normal American." Um, yea, Christians can be "normal" people. But besides that, of all these candidates, Huckabee, John McCain, and yes, even John Edwards when he is not feeling so "full and mighty" of himself, are the three I could see having a steak and beer with. I would be agreeing more with McCain and Huckabee, but I like to hear the other side, and Edwards has enough cash to pay for the dinner. :-)
I felt the same way about George Bush, and still do. For everything he has done, good and bad, right and wrong, over these past 7 years, I have always thought I could join him for dinner and have a conversation. He may not be the best President we have ever had, but I always felt he was honest and believed in what he was doing. I never get the feeling while watching or listening to him that he is "scheming" his answer.
Seems like forever, but I used to be a political junkie. CNN, Meet the Press, C-Span. You name it, I watched it. Now, besides time constraints, I just don't have the stomach to listen to the same "garbage", and that's too bad. If I feel that way, those who only follow politics every fours years, must really be turned off.
Enough of the politics for now. Still ten months until Election Day.
Until the next time.....
Shedding the Old Wool
5 years ago
1 comment:
I must say I am one of those "every four year" political people. I just don't understand them most of them time. lol All I hear is fussing back and forth. I am still uncertain as to who should be for the GOP, though... I actually saw the debate the other night!
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