Merry Christmas to all. Hope you had a great holiday with family and/or friends.
Since my last post almost 2 weeks ago after the cars were put on the truck, quite a bit has occurred. All of our stuff was packed and put on the truck last Monday (12/22) and Tuesday (12/23). We were able to close on the NC house early on Tuesday 12/23, with our real estate agent, Debbie, handling the paperwork for us (except for the mortgage, she wants us to pay that. ;-) ). Morgan, Cassie, myself and the 2 cats flew back Christmas Eve morning in an uneventful fashion. (The "relaxing" pills I had actually made me sleepy this time, so I had a good flight. Even when I was awake, I did not feel the anxiety I normally do, so maybe I won't be as bad as I was before when I do need to get on a plane.)
When we arrived in Raleigh on Christmas Eve night, we got out of the airport quickly enough so that after dropping the cats and our luggage off at the hotel, we were able to have dinner at one of our favorite local Italian places, Cinelli's.
Then Christmas morning, after some gifts for Cassie and breakfast, we went over to the new house. The house is great. Morgan really did an excellent job with it. It is much smaller then we are used to in prior homes, but it feels "right". I think we wandered around it for about 3 hours or so, just looking at all the different detail the builder put into it.
Christmas Day afternoon, we were able to spend some time with Casey and his family. I did not bring a tape measure, so he let me borrow one, and also gave us the chance to visit. Casey and his wife also gave us an air mattress (pretty comfortable, thanks) to borrow so we could sleep in the house. It was good to see him and all his family, including his daughter, Gillian, who was born while we were in San Diego.
Also got to speak with Kellie on Christmas night. We hope to see her family sometime during the week.
Then Friday and Saturday it has been shopping for needed items and internet and DirecTV installations. Also on Saturday, our personal cars arrived. So we are getting there, slowly, but surely.
The moving truck driver said they may show up Monday with the truck, but I am expecting it Tuesday. Monday seems too fast, because he told me he was spending Christmas Day in San Diego before heading straight to us. I won't complain if it is Monday, but we will see.
Ok, done for now. If I don't post prior to Thursday, have a Happy and Safe New Year.
Until the next time.....
Shedding the Old Wool
4 years ago