Yes, I have been lazy in updating this blog. With tax season coming here in another four weeks or so, this will be a sparse space for updates until late April.
Two weeks from tonight we will back in NC. Two Weeks?!?! Pretty much ready, just tying up all those little loose ends that are annoying (well, at least annoying to me). I can think of it this way also, three weeks from today and will be all set up in the new house. Except for some unpacking. OK lots of unpacking.
Glad to see that someone is able to make a buck in this tough economy. Who knew putting a Senate seat up on Ebay wasn't legal? This story has so many layers, it is comical. At the top of the "funny" scale is the arrogance of the Illinois Governor. Blagojevich even called out the Feds the day before his arrest, saying he was "clean".
Then Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s name has shown up. Let's see if dad can get him out of this mess, or if dad ends of having a hand in this story. Jackson spoke about the Senate seat with Blagajevich on Monday, just hours before the Governor was taken by the Feds.
Those two, and the corrupt nature of Chicago and Illinois being told to another generation are the "funny" part. There is already one not funny part to me.
What the press will focus on is President-elect Obama's role in this situation. I am not saying Obama knew about the "pay for play", and I believe he had no knowledge of the "sale". But he quickly said on Tuesday that neither he or his staff had spoken to Blagajevich about the Senate seat. First, I find that virtually impossible to believe. You give up your seat because you are becoming POTUS, there is one man that decides who fills that seat, and you are saying that you or your staff never said "boo", about it?
Seems there are quotes from Obama Campaign Manager, David Axelrod, speaking to reporters a week or so ago stating otherwise. But yesterday, Axelrod says he spoke "out of turn", and he was incorrect in saying Obama staff had spoken with anyone from the Illinois Governor's staff. Every word comes out of "Obama people" mouths like reading from a script, and all of a sudden Axelrod made a comment in error, on a subject which all knew the answer to before the question was asked? It does not pass the "smell test".
What I want is honesty, and we are not getting it. Why tell the press nobody has spoken to Blagevich? (Senator Biden and Senator Clinton have spoken with their governors about who they would "like" to fill their seats. Does not mean it will happen, but you know they gave a recommendation.) Nobody accused you of looking for your "share". As stated above, it would be natural to make a recommendation.
Obama has no track record to fall back on, and all that "political capital" he won on November 4th will dry up faster then water in the Sahara if this administration is caught covering up something that needs no cover up. Those people that voted for him for "change" will turn against him in a heartbeat if "change" means having a scandal come up even before the Inauguration.
Please, just tell us the truth. We, as a country, can't afford to go into this with the "hope" that you are not lying to us.
USA Today article about homeowners missing mortgage payments on purpose so that they "could" become eligible for government assistance if it becomes available to them. Do pride and honor in oneself ever have a chance of making a comeback in our society?
My Hurricanes are stinking up the place. Not going to rant about them, just hope things get better once we get back to NC.
- Love the Prince of Persia series. Cassie loved PoP: Sands of Time. Need to pick up this newest version.
- Just picked up Left 4 Dead. I like shooting zombies.
- Any of these guys could & should win the Heisman.
Until the next time.....
Shedding the Old Wool
5 years ago
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