Friday, July 25, 2008

Comic Con Crazy.....

Ugh! How can there be this many people dressed up as so many different characters, all in one place? That was my thoughts after my second day at Comic Con on Thursday. I will say that it was fun, but I am not good with crowds, and this is just one big pile of pasty white humanity. The "pasty white" comment comes from Morgan, as it was her first observation when she was here last year. She told me, they all look like they live in mom's basement, and the sunshine in San Diego is their only exposure all year. The comment is even funnier when you realize the "white" person making the comment, but it is true they many are even more pale then her. :-)

There are a huge amount of costumes and dress up characters walking the convention center floor. A very large percentage of them some look fantastic with lots of thought and great make-up jobs. Others are in the "not so much" category, and really needed to look in the mirror before leaving the house/hotel. It is a very different crowd walking our downtown area these five days.

Above are some of the pictures from my time there. I did not take too many, and these were the best of the bunch. Really, what I did most of the time was wander around, and take it all in. The "big" boys of the show like the DC Comics, Marvel, TV Networks, Lego, and LucasFilms have the biggest and most expansive displays, and I looked at them, but mostly I wandered around the small time web comics and artists who barely make a living doing what they love. Some of the material is very adult, but there is some "family" product displayed, but generally the artists and the art catered to a more sci-fi/horror/adult crowd, and even though I would not be bringing any of it home to hang up, there were some really great and beautiful pieces on display. Overall, when you just look at the work, the talent in the convention center is amazing.

The one place I did stay the most, and where I did purchase a comic, was while I was wandering around and getting ready to leave on Thursday afternoon. Out of the corner of my eye, I see hockey sticks! So, I make my way over to a table with two young gentlemen. When they ask me how I am doing, I mention seeing the hockey sticks, and they proceed to tell me about there comic based on two "kids" and hockey, called The Rink Rat Chronicles. When they ask my favorite team, and I told them the Hurricanes, they asked me to leave as they are from Edmonton. We then proceeded to talk hockey for 30 to 40 minutes. I purchased their comic, and will be looking forward to their others when they are completed.

I thought it funny that I could find something hockey related, and talk hockey for 40 minutes while at a comic convention in San Diego.

So, in my two days there, I grabbed a few "freebies", took in pretty much everything, and now I can say I did it. As Casey said to me, it can now be scratched off my "bucket" list.

A different story is my brother, Chris, and his friend, Mauricio (they teach at the same school), as they are the "old pros" at this convention stuff. They have been there all three days so far, and will be there for the remaining two this weekend. They have also come home with more free stuff, purchased items, and autographed material then can fit in their suitcases for the flight back. I am amazed at how these two work the floor, and the conference rooms. It is like second nature to them, as they plan their strategies for the day. Well, I am glad they are having a good time, but I could not do what they are doing.

So, it looks like another successful week for San Diego hosting Comic Con. Perfect weather (what a surprise), and so far, a real good show. Now, only two more days until the costumes, and make-up leave our downtown area.

- This is another good story for Casey.
- One of my favorite meals, and not good for me.
- Prius price rising. What a surprise.

Until the next time.....


Kellie said...

I had to laugh at Morgan's comment about "pasty whites".... I can only imagine. lol

Sounds like you had a good experience and, like you said, can now scratch it off your "list."

Too funny you found a comic on hockey and were able to talk about it. :)

Th3Guns1ing3r said...

Just catching up on blogs after vacation. I attended the largest East coast con, DragonCon, several years in a row, and you and Morgan's comments are right-on. :)

What a wierd coincidence that I read about you and Morgan getting tattoos when Glenda and I got some two weeks ago. I haven't put pics on the blog, one because I haven't updated it in awhile, and two because I was waiting for them to heal. Glenda got a purple flower and I got a gunslinger themed tattoo.