Monday, October 13, 2008

in the air.....

So, my "dashboard" is telling me this will be post #200. Time for a party. Well, maybe not today for the party. Around noon I all of a sudden got a little light and "fuzzy" headed. Not sure if it a cold coming on, or something in the air bothering my head and sinuses.

Could be in the air, as the Santa Ana winds have started up here in Southern California. There is already a fire going on near Los Angeles, so now you start keeping an eye on the news around here to see if anything else pops up. The winds are supposed to calm down around Wednesday, so hopefully this will be a "nothing" event.

Last year's evacuation due to the fires (before I was blogging), was more than enough for me.

Still waiting on word from Morgan's bosses concerning a "yea or nay" on us going back east this year or next. I'm getting "itchy", but understand it is out of our hands.

Thanks to Kellie for the updated pictures of the house.

- Another wild day on Wall Street.
- Casey did not enjoy this, but Morgan did.
- I enjoyed Life on Mars, but not completely hooked yet.

Until the next time.....


Unknown said...

House is looking great! Still need to drive over there.... No I did not enjoy the game on Sunday night, glad we could make Rivers look so good...he needs the help. :)

Morgan said...

ok....I'm just gonna ignore that....