Tuesday, December 4, 2007

cleared the air.....

Well to follow up on yesterday, I feel better, but Morgan and I got into talking about my situation again, and I think I have seen the light. When talking to her, I come to realize that right now, I am just not good with the "city people" as compared to the "country folk". I know that sounds bad, but it is not meant to be. Right now I am just not adjusted to "big city" life and the "distance" the people in this area put between them and others.

Also, it seems that in my "funk", I was not discussing as much with Morgan as I would normally do. She has not read this blog until now (Hi, honey!), and there were more feelings being put here than what I have been telling her over the past few weeks. That was wrong of me, and now she will be reading this, and I also will be discussing more with her.

I needed a "wake up call", and I think today's talking/arguing/fighting/discussion (take your pick) was really a good thing. I have been a bit distant with her, but more because I was trying to get this settled on my own and not hurt her. We have been together 17 1/2 years, and I need her to help me. We have a partnership, and a very good one. She means everything in the world to me, and I don't want to hurt her anymore.

I feel much better about everything, and I love my wife even more for working with me to help me through this.

Until the next time.....


Kellie said...

Yay!!! So glad the air is cleared. You did the right thing by telling her it all. I am still praying for you!!

Morgan said...

I feel like I've been allowed into the Super Secret Sal Society here. I wish you had had the confidence is us to have shared all of this with me first--and not the whole world. I've learned more about you in these pages than I have in our marriage in a long, long time. You write beautifully.